Monday, June 21, 2010

I can't get enough of this song..

(Soapdish / Drizzle Version)

Nagulat din ako
Nong malaman na hindi lang pala ako
Yung nanghinayang
Nong nagaway tayo noon
At natuluyan sa iyakan at tampo

At sandali lang
Huwag ka munang magsalita
Di ko hahayaan lahat ito ay mawala
Ang iniisip ko kung pwede pa ba tayo

At miserable
Paulit-ulit lang ang nangyayari
Paikot-ikot tayo parang bote
At nasanay ka na ba doon
At nalimutan ang aking mga tanong

Chorus 2:
At hindi malinaw
Pwede bang wag kang sumigaw
Di ko hahayaan lahat ito ay maligaw
Nagtatanong sayo kung pwede pa ba tayo

Chorus 3:
At sandali lang
Huwag ka munang magsalita
Di ko hahayaan lahat ito ay mawala

Nagtatanong sayo kung pwede pa ba tayo

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In summer of 2001, when I met my husband, I was a young girl with big dreams. I can sit here and say that my dreams included becoming a successful, powerful, and highly respected career woman. But I would be lying. I wanted to meet a successful, powerful, and highly respected man who wanted to take care of me.

I would have his beautiful babies.
I would dress them in the hottest new baby gear.
We would have play dates at our favorite park.
I would have a nanny.
I would work out daily.
I would have a beautiful house with a HUGE walk-in closet.
I would have a housekeeper.
I would always look sexy for my husband, my hair would be done, and my makeup would look great.
We would have weekly date nights.
We would go on extraordinary vacations.
We would go to fancy dinner parties and he would show me off to his friends, coworkers, prospective clients.
My boobs would forever be perfect, stable, and far above my belly button.
My ass would be tight and firm.
I would be a 'mother i like to f*ck"—yes, the “hot” mom all the kids would talk about. (Sick to even hope for that, I know.)

In 2001, when I met my husband, I was a young girl with big dreams. It is now 2010 and I have no clue where I went wrong. My husband decided he wanted to follow his dream.

He becomes a struggling employee of a call center.
I was so supportive; he felt so blessed.
He is now a product supervisor.
We have Zoe.
I have a nanny.
I don’t have a housekeeper.
The house is a mess.
Our place is the size of the dream-home’s walk-in closet.
My hair always looks like shit.
I wear cheap makeup.
My boobs make a bellybutton sandwich.
My ass is the opposite of firm.
I am the friend of the M.I.L.F.

WTF happened to me, and where did I go wrong?

I sometimes feel sorry for myself in the middle of a mini breakdown (usually after a long week full of sick/cranky work mates) and ask myself this question. Instead of packing up and leaving my not-so-dream life behind, I remember why it’s all worth it.

I do have beautiful child.
I do have a favorite park, with wonderful dates.
I do have a wonderful husband who wants to take care of me.
I do have a husband who thinks I’m sexy (or so he says).
I am still a young girl with big dreams. Only now my dreams are different. My dreams include healthy children, a long marriage, college funds, and grandchildren.

mimi-zoe-nel 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

love taught me..

Shakespeare once wrote, “To thine own self be true” and for once, I actually think I am starting to completely understand that quote.

This year has been a full of misery, disappointment, pain, and heartache but in these ruins blossoms hope and promise. Had the heartache of the past year not happened, I wouldn’t have started to spend time finding myself and though I am still at the beginning of this life long search it’s nice to finally see me again. It’s been a long time since I’ve been true to myself and wow is it ever difficult.

I am going through a painful phase with someone I love very much. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him. For a long time he was my reason for being, my world, my everything. I truly hated myself when I met him and I believed that because he was so amazing that he could in turn make me into something seeing as I saw myself as nothing.

I loved him, everything about him, and I wanted to make him happy all the time. I truly believed in the love that TV and movies presents to us. Something eternal and beautiful, you know like the end of a romantic comedy. Little did I know that this charming young man would sweep me so far off my feet that I would lose myself in him and become what he needed in order for him to be happy.

He seemed to be my knight in shining armor, the one to take care of me forever and I bought it. I didn’t know the knightly presence came with a price and well I should have been a bit more aware, but I was hopelessly and dangerously in love.

I became everything he wanted and needed and I stopped thinking about what I wanted and needed because it didn’t matter, I had him. I wasn’t alone; I wasn’t a horrible person because he loved me.

Loving him was so easy; it filled the void in my soul and even though that little voice in my gut kept trying to speak out, I would soothe it with thoughts of the perfect life. This worked for years; I deluded myself into thinking that I was happy and that my life was perfect.

Then the cloud started to shift and I started to see clearer who he really was and what life I was really living.

He would knock me down emotionally when I started to have an opinion about anything and convince me that my thoughts and feelings were invalid and his way was the right one. He would make me feel like a second-class citizen in my own home and it was my duty to ensure he was happy. It was a constant stress to keep him happy, walking on eggshells and putting on the happy face all the time.

Being judged and criticized constantly started to wear on me and the love cloud thinned even more. I would wake up in the middle of the night crying uncontrollably because I was so unhappy and yet I had this life that society deems successful and well perfect from the outside. I would ask myself repeatedly why I couldn’t be happy. If I could just ignore all the criticisms and the constant air of disappointment my presence caused, I could find happiness again. I was convinced if I just could be the person he needed me to be then it would all go back to being good. I just had to work harder at it, make more time for him, and really pay attention to his needs.

I started searching for that cloud everywhere so I could hide within it and forget the pain.

The funny thing about pain is that unless you get to the root of it, it doesn’t go away. Sure, you can dull it, even remove it for a short period of time, but it always comes back and it’s usually worse. I left when I couldn’t take it anymore and for the past year, I’ve been doubting that decision almost every day. I feel like a quitter and a failure because I couldn’t find a way past the pain to make it work. He loved me—I knew that—and I figured if I loved him enough, we could make it work. I just had to love him enough.

Then I realized something just recently: it’s not about how much you love the person, its about how much you love and respect yourself that actually matters. You’re better at loving someone when you love yourself completely because then you know what it means to love.

Thoughts of leaving him was the most difficult thing for me to do, but it was because I started to love myself and realized I didn’t deserve to be treated that way. If he truly loved me, he would see the real me and cherish that person.

In all relationships, there are two sides to every story and by no means am I absolved of anything I’ve done to get us here either. I will forever be sorry that I couldn’t love him the way he needed because I didn’t love myself enough to do that. My heart is broken because I hurt him so deeply.

Everyone says time heals all wounds and though that may be true, the heart never totally heals, you bear those scars forever. Once you’ve opened yourself up to someone so much and been hurt you are forever changed, you can never look upon yourself in the same way again and you don’t see love in the soft light you once did.

I hope to be able to find myself and love who I am completely because in that act I’ll finally know what it really means to love someone with your whole heart and soul.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

you will never see me cry

Funny thing about crying: you could always pull it off by saying that you just sneezed, or you just woke up (or perhaps yawned) and most people will never guess that you are actually tearing up. But for me ... what gives me away is my red, runny nose!

Today, my self-esteem dived about 2 million miles down (happens when you’re hurt by a person you care about ... you get it). I wish I could dig a hole all the way to the North Pole and bury myself in it because of ... shame. Tears would be the natural reaction but I tried all my willpower to NOT make them fall. But ... it was inevitable. However, I would still not show my tears because I still think it’s a sign of weakness and stupidity (an impulsive thought I hope never to think again).

I tried everything to cheer me up ... reading, occupying myself with a report i have to finish, even shopping ... but still nothing! (It was THAT serious). Usually I shop and buy stuff impulsively when I’m down but this time, it just wasn’t doing anything to me. I even thought of cutting my hair but reason started to kick in and that would have been the most impulsive thing I could have ever done. (I’ll be the loser here ..) Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer and I went home and cried. It was a very good cry ...

The heart may be broken but it beats nonetheless. And I believe that.